Once again, I am irritated. I must have spent a good half-hour toiling over a blog entry. It was almost complete. Then the the most irritating thing happens. It gets deleted. This isn't the first time this has happened (refer to the "Piperpalooza (for the second time)" post). While the cause was different, the result remains the same. In one nanosecond, so much effort and hours are flushed down the proverbial toilet of time.
I couldn't bring myself to redo all the same work again in the same day, so the blog I began yesterday must be redone today (or tomorrow)... So look for more from me in the near future.
I generally copy the text I've completed to the clipboard as I finish each paragraph. Then if something goes wrong (short of a complete crash) I've still got most of what I wrote.
Hey G,
Thanks for the tip. I actually thought about just doing the whole thing in Microsoft Word and then just pasting it. A whole lot easier. Less chances for stupid mis-clicks.
I copy each blog each time as I'm going as well. I've lost too many blogs and then felt non-creative at that point since all the creativity was already poured out through my fingers previously! Let's hope the comment doesn't get messed up because I'd have to respond again with just, "yup, that stinks!" HA!
hey abs,
i've pretty much learned my lesson on that one!
maybe you shouldn't put as much in your blogs - just put hi, bye, and it's all good :-) he he he
you know what abby. just because you can't write doesn't mean you have to take it out on me! :)
HA! That's the Dave I remember :-) HE HE HE! Happy Birthday!
Oh, yeah. I haven't changed much. I've just gotten a little fatter!:)
What are you talking about? Birthdays are only on Mondays, remember?
It was close enough to Monday :-) So, today is Monday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY - you happy now?! he he he! Miss ya!
those were fun days. I don't know how I got people to fall for that every monday for almost a full year. Sometimes (really, just sometimes) i would like to go back to those days...
An occasional trip down memory lane to those memories is always fun. I'm not sure if I'd REALLY like to go back to those days - especially Mondays :-) I'm sure EVERYONE was getting sick of it after a while - not me of course!! ha!
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