I'm forced on a daily basis at work to watch CNN report on the current Presidential Elections. Frankly, I'm left feeling inclined not to vote at all this year at all. I would if I could choose "none of the above". Not that it even matters with our current voting processes. With all the “chads”, early ballots, super-delegates and the electoral college itself, I hardly feel we have much to do with who gets voted in anyway.
Each of these "candidates" get up and talk about what they "will" do when they become President. I am of the personal opinion that a person cannot get to the position of being a Presidential candidate, much less the President himself, without being a deceiver and a liar to the core. They stand one place for now. Once they start dining with lobbyists, a few dead presidents start to influence them to sing a different song.
I can’t say that I think our current Commander in Chief is any different. I ashamedly admit that I was duped like so many others that “W” was going to be the Christian President to save us from all the liberals. I feel had. Yes. I do respect him as the President. However, that doesn’t mean I have to buy into his mistakes hook, line and sinker either! However, I hear the piper playing his tune and many of the Christians I know follow right along because it’s to the tune of Onward Christian Soldiers. I’m not a pacifist on governmental level (Romans 13:1-4), but I’ve lost confidence in the current war. May I be as bold as to say that there are ulterior in his moves?
Just because I don’t think we will have a “Christian” President, doesn’t mean I’m without hope. Romans 13 also says that Lord sovereignly controls those in charge. So whoever may end up in Office, they are under the control of Yahweh just like Pharaoh was. But don’t expect to be “rescued” by a “Christian” President. During my thinking through this I’m reminded over and over again about a song by Derek Webb on his The Ringing Bell album, A Savior on Capitol Hill.
I’m so tired of these mortal men
with their hands on their wallets and their hearts full of sin
scared of their enemies, scared of their friends
and always running for re-election
so come to DC if it be thy will
because we’ve never had a savior on Capitol Hill
you can always trust the devil or a politician
to be the devil or a politician
but beyond that friends you’d best beware
’cause at the Pentagon bar they’re an inseparable pair
and as long as the lobbyists are paying their bills
we’ll never have a savior on Capitol Hill
all of our problems gonna disappear
when we can whisper right in that President’s ear
he could walk right across the reflection pool
in his combat boots and ten thousand dollar suit
you can render unto Caesar everything that’s his
you can trust in his power to come to your defense
it’s the way of the world, the way of the gun
it’s the trading of an evil for a lesser one
so don’t hold your breath or your vote until
you think you’ve finally found a savior up on Capitol Hill
If you would like to hear this song, or even the whole album you can hear it at The Ringing Bell. The song I've quotes is on page 9. It'll make more sense when you get there.
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