Thursday, November 27, 2008

The End of Sin and Death

In my new found love for poetry, I have recently started exploring the world of free verse poetry. For all you poetry buffs out there, please correct me if I am wrong with my understanding of how free verse works. In this style of poetry, there is no meter, rhyme, breaks or length.

This is the first I am willing to share:

The End of Sin and Death

Oh, what foul deeds are planned,
From the depth of Hell’s dark bowels?

To seek and to kill man’s soul.
To sink deep its wretched teeth,
And feed off man’s depraved mind.

Dark was the day it was loosed.
Glorious the day it was bound.

Yay, even more beautiful the day of its destruction!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is good, Dave! And I can understand it, too! Very true, as well!